The concepts, skills and activities we do in music are based on Indiana’s Academic Standards for Fine Arts in Music. The nine overall standards are as follows:
1) Performing Music: Singing alone and with others
2) Performing Music: Playing an instrument alone and with others
3) Creating Music: Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments
4) Creating Music: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
5) Responding to Music: Reading, notating, and interpreting music
6) Responding to Music: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
7) Responding to Music: Evaluating music and music performances
8) Responding to Music: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts,
and disciplines outside the arts
and disciplines outside the arts
9) Responding to Music: Understanding music in relation to history and culture
Using these standards as a guide, the MCCSC Elementary Music Teacher Team has chosen our "Essential Learnings" for each grade level for each 9-week term. The "starred" essential learning is what each MCCSC elementary music teacher will cover for that grade level in that term, and the others are what we aim to have children experience as well, given ideal circumstances and class time. Since our time with the children is limited and affected by the school schedule (snow days, convocations, etc), we may not get to every essential learning; however, the children will still have a well-rounded music education over the course of the year.
The Music Essential Learning Skills (EL's), organized by grade level and written in student-friendly "I Can" language, are below: